Saturday 15 October 2011

Surmounting the back side of Jesus

To the religious amongst my readers, I apologise.  This is in no way meant to be blasphemous – simply something I added to the list of things I would like to achieve during my year in Timor-Leste.
My reference is to the statue which, informs, is of Cristo Rei of Dili or Christ the King of Dili is 88.6 foot (27 m) located atop a globe in Dili, East Timor.   

The statue was designed by Mochamad Syailillah and was unveiled by Suharto in 1996, as a gift from the Indonesian government to the people of East Timor.  Apparently, the statue and the globe on which it rests, are situated at the end of Fatucama peninsula facing out into the ocean (

Here's a glimpse at what it looks like.  The photos don't actually do it justice.  It was a bit too hazy to give the full effect.

What is the problem?  The first thing, is that this is what is called the “Front side”.  I’ve surmounted the front side (though admittedly haven’t yet climbed the 500 steps).  The challenge I’m talking about is the back side.  Here’s a snippet of, not so much a problem, but the challenge.  See if you can pick it.

 Can't guess?  I have one word for you - gradient!  The back side of Jesus is down a humongous hill.  It's a veritable alp I tell you . . . well at least to this scooter novice.  I did scoot to the top, but I stopped when I looked down the road.  Having not yet mastered 'brake' all I could see was me careening off the road onto to and then down the rocky mountainside.  I was standing near my bike, contemplating the situation when two locals zoomed up on a motorbike.

They stopped, looking at me with great concern.  "Is anything wrong?" they asked, gesturing to my bike?
"Oh no," I said, rummaging in my bag for my camera.  "Just taking photos."

Yeah, I know . . . just being a wimp.  But one day . . . one day soon . . . I shall surmount the back side of Jesus and when I do, you my blogging friends, will be the first to know.

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